Contemplative Outreach of Kansas City is happy to share resources with you or your Centering Prayer group.
If you are interested in any of these items from the Holy Trinity Cathedral lending library, please contact Jerry Grabher (816) 590-6205 or email [email protected] or [email protected].
CD Audio Sets
Ascent of Mount Carmel by John of the Cross
10 CDs: 12.8 hours
Complete book narrated by James Adams.
Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr
4 CDs: 4.5 hours (approx.)
Spirituality and the Twelve Steps
Christian Meditation: Entering the Mind of Christ by James Finley
6 CDs: 7 ½ hours
Contemplative Prayer by Thomas Merton
4 CDs: 4.5 hours
The complete book narrated by Jonathan Montaldo
(Merton Institute for Contemplative Living)
Discovering Meditation in the Christian Tradition by James Finley
2 CDs: 2 ½ hours
Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
1 CD: 80 minutes
Richard Rohr faces the questions of what matters and what doesn’t matter at all.
God As Us! by Cynthia Bourgeault
5 CDs: 8 hours (approx.)
The Sacred Feminine & The Sacred Masculine.
How Do We Breath Under Water? by Richard Rohr
4 CDs: 5 hours (approx.)
The Gospel and 12-Step Spirituality.
Meister Eckhart’s Living Wisdom by James Finely
6 CDs: 6 hours (approx.)
An invitation to exerience God in every moment. “The eye with which I see God is the eye with which God see me.”
No Man Is an Island by Thomas Merton
7 CDs: 9 hours
The complete book narrated by Jonathan Montaldo.
(Merton Institute for Contemplative Living)
Praying The Psalms with Lectio Divina by William Meninger
2 CDs
Radical Prayer: Love in Action by Matthew Fox
6 CDs: 6.7 hours
Matthew Fox on creating a sustainable and just world.
Returning To Essentials by Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault & James Finley
2 CDs: 85 minutes (approx.)
Silent Compassion by Richard Rohr
3 CD set: 3 hours (Approx.)
Finding God in Contemplation.
The Art of Letting Go by Richard Rohr
6 CDs
You will discover the surprising richness encountered through simplifying your life and gain liberation from self-limiting biases and certitudes.
The Contemplative Journey Thomas Keating
24 CDs: 21 hours
Thomas Keating presenting a retreat covering in depth, topics describing the spiritual journey.
The Dark Night by John of the Cross
5 CDs: 5.4 hours
Complete book narrated by Michael Kramer.
The Inner Room by Thomas Keating & James Finley
6 CDs: 8 hours (approx.)
An Awakening to the Divine Indwelling.
The Interior Castle by Teresa of Avila
6 CDs: 3.8 hours
Complete book narrated by Susan Denaker.
The Odyssey: The Further Journey by Richard Rohr
1 CD
Why explore this theme from ancient Greek mythology? Richard Rohr says, “Homer’s Lilad describes the Trojan War and The Odyssey describes Odysseus’ determined effort to return home. This narrative is the center point of meaning.”
The Path of Descent by Richard Rohr
4 CDs: 3.5 hours
Richard Rohr gives a live presentation on the call to discipleship by living the cross: self-emptying, self-surrender, etc.
The Shape of God by Cynthia Bourgeault & Richard Rohr
6 CDs: 6 hours (approx.)
Deepening the Trinity of the Trinity.
The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault
6 CDs
Deepen Your Heart Connection to the “Master of Wisdom.”
Thomas Merton On Contemplation by Thomas Merton
4 CDs: 3.8 hours
Thomas Merton conducts classes with novices at Gethsemani Abbey. Presentation of topics such as: the spiritual journey, silence, prayer and meditation, dealing with distractions.
Thomas Merton on the 12 Degrees of Humility by Anthony Ciorra
8 CDs
Introduction by Anthony Coirra Gethsemane Class Room Series.
Thomas Merton’s Path to the Palace of Nowhere by James Finley
8 CDs: 8 hours (approx.)
The Essential Guide to the Contemplative Teachings of Thomas Merton.
True Self/False Self by Richard Rohr
6 CDs: 6 hours (approx.)
The True Self can love and let go. The False Self cannot do this.
Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father’s Wisdom by Thomas Merton
CD set
Thomas Merton conducts classes with novices at Gethsemani Abbey. Presentation of John Cassian (one of the Desert Fathers) on prayer.
DVD Sets
Centering Prayer: A Training Course for Opening to the Presence of God by Thomas Keating, Gail Fitzpatrick-Hoper, & Carl Arico
6 DVDs 7.3 hours or 2 CDs 1.7 hours
Contemplative Prayer and The Cloud of Unknowing by William Meninger
You will discover that this anonymous 14th century book presents contemplation meditation as a teachable spiritual process enabling the ordinary person to and receive a direct experience of Union with God.
Emerging Christianity by Richard Rohr, Brian McLaren & Cynthia Bourgeault
3 DVDs
Richard Rohr teaches, “Addiction is a false way of thinking; the primary addiction is the mind.” The judgments the mind makes keeps us from experiencing joy.
Following the Mystics Through the Narrow Gate by Richard Rohr & Cynthia Boureault
4 DVDs: 9 hours (Approx.)
Seeing God in all things.
Healthfullness: Transformed in Christ by Thomas Keating & Betty Sue Flowers
3 DVDs
Heartfullness condenses the accumulated wisdom of Fr. Thomas’ many year of teaching and practice into nine essential areas for study, reflection and spiritual growth for our time.
Jesus and Buddha by James Finley & Richard Rohr
4 DVDs: 8 hours (approx.)
Finding the four noble truths in the heart of the Gospel.
Portrait of a Radical by Huston Smith, Richard Rohr, Allan Dwight Callahan
Three the theologians explore the truly radical, dynamic and passionate message of Jesus.
The Gift of Live: Death & Dying Life & Living by Thomas Keating & Carl J. Arico
3 DVDs: 4 hours (Approx.)
“I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
Thomas Merton: Our Guide in Contemplative Living by James Finley
6 DVDs
A series of reflections.
If you are interested in any of these items from the Mystic Misfits’ lending library, please contact [email protected]
Adams, James E. Let Me Sow Love (Living the peace of St. Francis)
Abhishiktan, Anda. The Secret of Arunachala (hermits on Shiva’s mountain)
Armstrong, Karen. History of God (Judaism and Christianity)
Barclay, William. The Gospel of John (daily Bible study)
Bedioko, Kewame. Christianity in Africa (renewal)
Behanon, Kavoor T. Yoga (personal eveolution)
Bloom, Anthony. Beginning to Pray
Bloom, Anthony. Meditations (a journey through parables)
Bourgenult, Cynthia. The Meaning of Mary Magdalene (women as heart of Christianity)
Bourgeault, Cynthia. Wisdom of Jesus (transforming heart and mind)
Brockman, Jame. Romero (bio of Cardinal Romero)
Brother Lawrence, OC. The Practice of the Presence of God
Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel of St. John (concise commentary)
Burrows, Ruth OCD. Interior Castle Explored (St. Teresa’s life lessons)
Byron, Thomas. Dhammapada (the sayings of Buddha)
Cautinho, Paul. How Big Is Your God (freedom to experience the Divine)
Chittister, Joan D. Heart of Flesh (feminist spirituality)
Cragg, Kenneth. Mohammed and the Christian (questions and answers)
Crossan, John D. Reed, Jonathon. In Search of Paul
Day, Dorothy. Christian Meditation (daily practice)
Day, Dorothy. Selected Writings
DeGrandis, Roberrt SJ. Coming to Life (being baptized in the Holy Spirit)
DeThomis, Louis K. FSC. Flying in the Face of Tradition (listening to faithful)
Delio, Ilia OSF. The Emergent Christ (the evolutionary world)
Destefano, Anthony. Travel Guide to Heaven (Technicolor afterlife)
Evans, W.Y. The Tibetan Book of the Dead (after death experience)
Edwards, Paul and Richard Popkin. Philosophers of 16th and 17th Centuries
Edwards, Paul and Richard Popkin. 19th Century Philosophers
Foley, Leonard OFM. Believing in Jesus (Catholic overview)
Freeman, Lawrence OFB. Christian Meditation (daily practice)
Freeman, Lawrence OFB. The Light Within (inner path to meditation)
Freeman, Lawrence OFB and John Mann OFB. Sharing the Gift (resource for meditation)
Gibran, Kahlil. The Prophet Kahlil Gibran (words of the prophet)
Harrington, Daniel SJ. Ed. Sacra Pagina Gospel of John
Harrington, Daniel SJ. Ed. Sacra Pagina Gospel of Matthew
Harvey, Andrew. Mystics (the soul’s journey)
Hayes, Ed. The Ethiopian Tattoo Shop
Hayes, Ed. Secular Sanctity (the ways we look at God)
Healy, Joseph G. OC. Once Upon a Time in Africa (stories of wisdom and joy)
Jenkins, Philip. Dream Catcher (Native American spirituality)
John Paul II. In My Own Words
Kazantzakis, Nikas. The Last Temptation of Christ (dual substance of Christ)
Kivner, Michael C. The Missionary and Diviner (Christian and African religions)
Kornfield, Jack. Jesus and Buddha (parallel sayings)
Kornfield, Jack. Living Buddha Masters
Kroeger, Hanna. God Helps Them Who Help Themselves (nutrition guidelines)
Little, Paul E. How to Give Away Your Faith (help with witnessing)
Lucado, Max. When God Whispers Your Name, God Has Bought Your Ticket
Lucretius. On the Nature of the Universe
Main, John OSB. The Present Christ: Further Steps in Meditation by John Main OSB
Mathiessen, Peter. African Silence (landscape and wildlife)
Mother Theresa of Calcutta. On Prayer and Meditation
Nakken, Craig. The Addictive Personality (roots, ritual, recovery)
Nolan, Albert. Jesus Before Christianity (life of Jesus reconstructed)
Nolan, Albert. Jesus Today (radical freedom and spirituality)
Nouwen, Henri JM. Behold the Beauty of the Lord (praying with icons)
O’Laughlin, Michael. His Life and Vision
O’Mumch, Diarmuid MSC. In the Beginning Was the Spirit (indigenous spirituality)
Peck, M. Scott MD. People of the Lie (the hope of healing evil)
Peck, M. Scott MD. The Road Less Traveled (traditional values)
Rahner, Karl. Prayers for a Lifetime
The Trinity (milestone in Catholic theology)
Ray, Stephen R. St. John’s Gospel (a Bible study)
Rohr, Richard, OFM. Everything Belongs (contemplative prayer
Rohr, Richard, OFM. Things Hidden (scripture and spirituality)
Rolheiser, Ron. The Holy Longing (search for Christian spirituality)
Russell, Bertrand. Philosophical Essays
Ryan, Gregory. The Burning Heart (New Testament readings)
Saramago, Jose. Cain (novel)
Sheen, Fulton J. Treasure in Clay (autobiography)
Simmons, Madeline. Born Contemplative (intro to contemplation)
Tza, Lao. Tao Te Ching
Walsh, John J. Integral Justice (changing people and structures)
Ward, Benedicta, trans. The Desert Fathers (early Christian monks)
Welch, John OC. Spiritual Pilgrim (Carl Jung and Teresa of Avila)
Williamson, Marianne. Illuminista (thoughts and prayers of passage)
Yancy, Philip. What’s So Amazing About Grace? (the Jesus I never knew)
Authors Unknown
The Impact of God (St. John of the Cross)
Interior Castle (St. Teresa of Avila meditations)
Books That Changed Lives (recommended Catholic reading list)
The Church in the African City
The Healing of Yogi Bhajan (healing by the spoken word)
Life of St. Teresa of Avila
True Serenity (Readings from St. Thomas a Kempis)
CDs & Audio Sets
Divine Dance by Richard Rohr OFM
4 CDs
Emotional Sobriety. Program for Happiness by Richard Rohr OFM
2 CDs
Fully Alive by John Main OSB
1 CD
God as Us by Richard Rohr OFM and Cynthia Bourgeault
4 CDs
Healing Our Violence by Richard Rohr OFM and Thomas Keating
In the Footsteps of Francis by Richard Rohr OFM
2 CDs
John of the Cross by Keith Egan
6 CDs
Letting Go, Letting God by Joe Pereira
2 CDs
Living Contemplatively by Thomas Merton
2 CD
New Creation in Christ by Bede Griffiths
1 CD
On Transformation by Richard Rohr OFM
4 CDs
Politics and Spirituality by Jim Willis and Ann Lamont
4 CDs
Prayer and Growth in Christian Life by Thomas Merton
5 CDs
Retreat With the Gospel of John by Felix Just SJ
6 CDs
Soul’s Journey to God by William Short OFS
4 CDs
The Ego by Lawrence Freeman
1 CD
The Four Gospels by Richard Rohr OFM
4 CDs
The Essentials of Christian Meditation by Lawrence Freeman
1 CD
The Healing of the Human Condition by Thomas Keating OC
2 CDs
The Naked Man by Richard Rohr OFM
2 CDs
The Parables by Jack Conroy
5 CDs
The Path of Descent by Richard Rohr OFM
2 CDs
The Transformative Experience by Kim Nstaraga
1 CD